How Imagination Activates Your Intuition

The biggest mistake I see with my clients is a misuse of our imagination - we're fantastic at imagining the worst-case scenarios.

Our imagination is hijacked by worry. However, if we can use this superpower correctly, it is a direct portal to receive Divine Guidance and the most powerful tool we have to create. 

Intuition and imagination and linked- the better you can imagine, the better your intuition. If we can't imagine, it's a sign that we get stuck in the logical mind, which cuts us off from our ability to create.   

How often do you use your intuitive muscle?

Here are some of my favorite tools to jump start your imagination so you can get better, more clear guidance - now. 

In this video, you will learn: 

  • How Intuition and Imagination Are Linked

  • Why We Need a Healthy Imagination to Create 

  • My Favorite Tools to Strengthen Imagination 

  • How our Subconscious and Imagination are Linked

  • How to Activate Your Intuition 

  • Ways to Tune Into Your Intuition 

  • Get Intuitive Guidance Using Imagination 

  • Tools I Learned in my Household to Activate my Imagination

Sending you all my love,


Follow me on Instagram @soniachoquettetully

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