Namaste Abuse : When We Make Mistakes

Hello my sweetest nuggets,

Let’s talk about Namaste Abuse and being more gentle with our sweet selves.

I find so often that most of us who are drawn to this path of self-discovery and self-growth also are the ones who are the hardest on ourselves, especially when we make mistakes. However, it is really an invitation to be more kind and gentle with our sweet selves. I noticed that I was suffering from Namaste Abuse this week when I made a mistake and left my favorite skirt at a hotel and lost it.

But, we need to dismantle these structures where we hold ourselves to standards of perfection and practice being more gentle, loving and compassionate to our sweet Spirit.

Here are some of my favorite tools to stop Namaste Abuse in its tracks to be more loving and kind to our sweet Spirits. Also, don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter over at where I send over a spiritual lesson for the week and if you’re needing extra support, I encourage you to book a free 15-minute call with me to see how I can be support.

Sending you all my love,


Sonia TullyComment