Super Cold Moon In Gemini
::FULL MOON IN GEMINI ALERT:: Can you believe we’re at the end of 2017? We’re approaching the holidays fast and furiously –AND we’ve got a full cold SUPER moon in Gemini AND our final mercury retrograde coming in hot. The combination might have us feeling a bit energetically ungrounded, especially since the super-cold moon is going to amplify everything.
Let’s break it all down so we understand what this cosmic mishmash of energy is going to feel like. The Full Moon’s purpose is to bring things to light and that spotlight is in Gemini. The theme of this moon is Truth. What is your Truth? We will feel that energy in our relationships and communication. This includes all sorts of relationships – our families, our partners, our co-workers, and ourselves. If there are things that need to be said or communicated, this moon inspires us to speak up. It invites us to look at our motivations and intentions.
If your motivations aren’t in alignment with your Truth, this moon will bring it to light. However, with Mercury Retrograde happening at the same time, this combo energetically might make us feel stuck. Mercury Rx also connects to our communication. What does it all mean? First off, be patient and kind to yourself. The holidays can already be a difficult and stressful time of year. Be conscious of your communication, if you’re in alignment, you have no need to fear.
Trust that whatever isn’t serving your highest good is coming to light. This moon is all about connecting to you and the Truth of who you are and it brings about a new beginning. Use this energy to celebrate yourself, your accomplishments and what you’ve done over the past year. It’s been a BIG year. Celebrate yourself and all of the soul lessons you’ve navigated. You’ve done a beautiful job, boo. <3