1 Easy Step To Get Better Intuitive Guidance

Hello sweet nuggets,

This week, I want to talk to you about appearance.

The biggest stumbling block that I find with my clients in accessing their intuition is that we often get caught up in the surface appearance and make incorrect conclusions.

We make assumptions for many reasons - in a very practical way, it saves our brain energy. The older we get, the more assumptions we make, based on our life experience. However, we're often wrong and don't know it. When we begin to reconnect to the present moment, we begin to reconnect to others and to our own intuition.

In this video, you will learn:

  • How To Change Your Perception to Support Your Intuition

  • How Our Critical Thinking Mind is Key in Clearing Our View

  • Why Our Beliefs Directly Effect How Intuitive We Are

  • How To Change What We Believe to Be in Support of our Spirit

  • How Our Self Protection Directly Cuts Us Off

As always, if you need support and to get clear on your soul purpose or want to get clear on what's blocking your way, book a reading with me. It's a life-changing investment, you'll get clear on your soul purpose, what is unconsciously holding you back from the life you want, your gifts and get grounded clear solutions on how to clear the way ahead.

If you have all the tools but want to move into experiencing an intuitive life, mentor with me. I take on a small number of clients and would love to empower you to take ownership of your intuition and your life. Click the scheduling link below to book a free 15-minute call to see if working together would be a good fit. If you like this video, subscribe and share it with a friend!

And, sign up for my newsletter and get a free online course and eBook. Head to my site soniatully.com and sign up!

xx Sonia

Follow me on Instagram @soniachoquettetully and check out my website www.soniatully.com

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